My baby and I

My baby and I

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A visit to Grandmas

Okay, so last time I saw my grandma.. Samarah was...4 months old. Now she is 2 years and a few months! so basically 2 years. So, I told me mom we wanted to go, and I think it was early October that we went up! Samarah did great on the drive! Which is about 5 hours, in Ashton, Idaho.

                                            My grandma that is.. her great grandma.

I don't think Samarah liked having to try to pose with Great Grandma

This is my Grandma's 90 something year old sister, so is that my great aunt? haha I forget once you get past grandma. Samarah loved her! She is staying with my Grandma for awhile, from Oregon.

Its December when I'm posting this and lots has happened since October, but I think the trip was pretty uneventful we were only there 2 days but it was fun.

Grandma, me and Samarah. Oh so this is kind of funny, quick story. My grandma chastised me for not wearing make up and getting dolled up A- for my husband B-just because. Every day she gets dolled up, make up, jewelry, to sit around the house (Grandpa is dead) 2 years ago when I was there she just gave me grief for it, so this time I planned outfits, hair products, make up. I got ready and came out, and my grandma said, 'did you not brush your hair when you got out of the shower?' It was scrunched with gel! I was like, ugh grandma!! haha because usually its just in a pony when up there, no make up. anyway it was funny. but once I put some bobby pins in and it settled, she said it looked better.

I have taken some advice from her there, I find myself getting dolled up for no reason, and find that I'm actually quite enjoying it and its not such a stretch like I thought it would be.
Grandma, my mom, and samarah. Samarah got a lil smile in on this one.

I am going to try to visit her more!!  I drove out through the potato fields for the first time, where my mom grew up picking potatoes. We stopped and got some off a combine! My mom was pretty funny, she's like 'look at how beautiful those potato fields are!' and I look over, and its just dirt. not pretty wheat or something tall swaying in the wind, just rows of dirt. Pretty funny. but got a beautiful view of the Tetons, and went and visited my grandpa's grave.. Which I should do every time. I plan on being better!

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