My baby and I

My baby and I

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Radio on.. Dance... radio off... stop dancing..

Title says it all! she dances anytime music comes on and its pretty much the cutest thing ever! she puts her hand up and jams out! I love this girl!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Penguin pajamas

So Chris dressed Samarah in pajamas the other night.. it was the first time he put her in them cuz they are more wintery pajamas.. and when i saw what she had on I ran to my room... came out and had chris take a picture!!

We were twinners! they both are footy pajamas, have penguins with scarves, and stars all over it!! haha! 

samarah getting even closer to walking! video!

This is the first time she ever stood up on her own without holding onto anything and then walked!! Look at the HUGE smile on her face at the end of the video, so cute!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Norris Family Pics

My family hasn't had pictures taken in like 10 years!! Well professional ones where everyone actually dresses up and smiles and yeahh... So I planned it and made everyone come whether they liked it or not! And... here is the result! everyone did pretty good :)

                                                              Siblings spouses and parents

                                                                     Whole family!
                                            I LOVE THIS PICTURE OF MY PARENTS!!
This is my amazing sister and family that watches my baby everyday!
                                                      My brother max and his wife and kids
                                                        My brother Nate and his kids
                        My other amazing sister and kids that watch Samarah every other time I need a sitter!
My brother Kevin that is living in Alaska right now!
                                         I made my family let me get some with my puppy :)
                                                                my cute parents!


They turned out really good thanks Brenda for taking them!

How to decide when to have baby #2

Now that Samarah is 1 the question of..'when you gonna give her another brother or sister?' seems to be asked on a weekly basis.

I don't know when.

Honestly? I'm scared. I don't know if I want to go through that again. I didn't even have that bad of an experience but I am like a lil bit traumatized from it! Its not the weight, i'm ok with the weight i'm at. I had some issues after down in that area obviously.. i couldn't walk very well for weeks. i couldn't walk down to see my baby in the nursery.. I don't know if that contributed to the post partum I had. But I am scared I don't want to go through post partum again! Mine didn't get to severe thank goodness, i never had thoughts of harming her but i just was flat of emotion. I felt like I didn't want her, like having a baby sucked. I don't want to go through that again. now she is the most amazing incredible thing in my life, but it wasn't like that for months :(

I think that we are only going to have two kids.. So do I just go ahead and have them close together? Do I wait till my body is more healed and I feel more mentally ready? Will I ever feel mentally ready? Will 2 years or 5 years make a difference in how I feel? Will my body ever heal completely? How much time do I give myself to feel ready?

Too many questions that I don't know how to answer :( if anyone has comment feel free to write them. I'm in a little funk about it in case you can't tell.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Input on a name

For Chris family and friends you are not allowed to answer this beacause you are biased with the name!

For others...

Does the name Kendrick (for a boy) sound like a white name or another ethnicity's name? if you heard the name would you think white skin, brown skin, black skin...

Comment me your thoughts!!

No i'm not pregnant. i'm just always picking up names and debating them for when the next one does come around. don't get any ideas. i don't want to go through that again anytime soon!

Delayed birthday pic

I hardly ever have pictures of me and chris and the baby or chris and the baby to put on here because we are never home together to take pictures! i only see chris like one day a week and then like 20 min throughout the week i swear. But anyway on Samarah's birthday we only got one pic of all three of us to share.. so my family from far away... here you go :)


For those who haven't seen  it yet I thought i'd post a pic on here. I got a tattoo symobolizing Samarah. I was trying to think of what i wanted to do for a tattoo and took a lot of ideas and put them together..
Samarah was born August 4.. So I started by looking up things for August.. the flower for the month of August is the Gladiola or Gladiolus (not sure which one is proper spelling) which looks like this (courtesy of google)

Ok so thats a pretty flower! i'd be ok with something like that permanently on my body.  But i didn't want just that.. so i was looking at other ideas. Samarah's Zodiac sign is a Leo.. Which is associated with Lions and the Sun and I didn't want that but then i found the Leo sign itself.. which looks like this

and so I took my ideas in to a tattoo artist and had him draw up a sketch.. which I LOVED! So then i got it done :) and here is the result

This is like the only pic i have taken of it.. but I LOVE it! Can you spot the Leo sign incorporated in there? up near my armpit?
It took 3 hours and some spots hurt like a mother f*er and other spots didn't feel like anything! I am so glad i got it done its perfect for a way to symbolize her without getting her name :) love you baby!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Boobs post #2

By the way.. for those of you who were or weren't wondering.. I went from a nice full C to a freaking A cup!!!  I miss my boobs!! lol!!


Its funny.. when i started a blog.. i was thinking to myself, this will be so easy and i can always keep my family and friends updated without having to get a facebook!
HA. It surprised me how time consuming it is to blog! it may take anywhere from 5 min to 45 min or more! depending on how many pics you have and how much you want to say.. whether you have a solid time frame to devote to it or you get a little done here and a little there over the course of a week and then finally are able to post it...

I think about posting things often! i just don't get around to doing it! And my life really isn't all that exciting. a lot of times i just want to post about whats on my mind, or funny things i thought or saw.. but then i wonder, do people really want to read about it or are they only interested in pictures?

Maybe i shouldn't care and i'll write what i want and if you don't want to read you don't have to and can just wait for posts with pictures...

Because i would blog more if i wasn't so concerened with having pictures to go along with it...

Hmmm. Maybe i will :)