My baby and I

My baby and I

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I have to have surgery. Sigh


We know that childbirth does things to your body.. good and bad. My pregnancy was so easy. I am so grateful that I had such a great pregnancy when I hear about the HORRIBLE things women go through while pregnant.

Labor and delivery, different story. Samarah tore me up, literally.

I am having so many issues related to childbirth right now and she is almost 2. I've been dealing with some for the whole time, some are flaring up, i'm getting new things happening because of the other issues.

I have tears up inside of me, soft tissue damage, tearing between tunnels in my body causing infections, which have created an abcess. I had to have an episiotomy, the skin where I had the episiotomy is weak and keeps tearing and healing and tearing and healing causing scarring.

I had to see multiple doctors, for awhile no one could figure out what was wrong. Now, after seeing 3 different kinds of doctors, and an MRI, they THINK They have it figured out.

So i put my trust in them, and go in for surgery on May 6.

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