My baby and I

My baby and I

Monday, May 13, 2013

Did I say i'm taking a college class?

Holy respect for parents who also go to school can i just say? Or people that work and go to school? Oh. My. Gosh.

One of my life goals is to learn spanish. I have tried the cd's and the workbooks and it wasn't working so I finally decided to just sign up for a college class to learn it! That is what i did with my tax return, so $1,058 dollars later (yes that is for ONE 7 week accelerated class) (oh and $200 for books) here I sit, stressed. Lol.

I am loving it, but, its 4 days a week for two hours, I work two jobs (for those who don't know I got a second job because we weren't sure if chris had a job for awhile there) so inbetween second job, chris rotating shifts, first job which is full time and trying to do homework with an almost two year old in the house... UGH!!!! Oh and still being a bum from surgery.

However, I am very excited and I hope that I learn a lot, once i can get my crazy life schedule down.

1 comment:

  1. You are braver than me!!
    i dont think i can EVER go back to school/college!
    -Christa Cox
    Young&Restless Blog
