My baby and I

My baby and I

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How to decide when to have baby #2

Now that Samarah is 1 the question of..'when you gonna give her another brother or sister?' seems to be asked on a weekly basis.

I don't know when.

Honestly? I'm scared. I don't know if I want to go through that again. I didn't even have that bad of an experience but I am like a lil bit traumatized from it! Its not the weight, i'm ok with the weight i'm at. I had some issues after down in that area obviously.. i couldn't walk very well for weeks. i couldn't walk down to see my baby in the nursery.. I don't know if that contributed to the post partum I had. But I am scared I don't want to go through post partum again! Mine didn't get to severe thank goodness, i never had thoughts of harming her but i just was flat of emotion. I felt like I didn't want her, like having a baby sucked. I don't want to go through that again. now she is the most amazing incredible thing in my life, but it wasn't like that for months :(

I think that we are only going to have two kids.. So do I just go ahead and have them close together? Do I wait till my body is more healed and I feel more mentally ready? Will I ever feel mentally ready? Will 2 years or 5 years make a difference in how I feel? Will my body ever heal completely? How much time do I give myself to feel ready?

Too many questions that I don't know how to answer :( if anyone has comment feel free to write them. I'm in a little funk about it in case you can't tell.

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