Holy. Crap. After having a kid, my appreciation for my mother (my parents, any parent period) jumped one hundred thousand percent!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe how hard being a parent is and I'm not even to the part where my kid makes decisions that could be life changing!!
Isn't it funny how all those things your mom told you when you were younger all of a sudden made sense when you have a kid of your own?
I mean WOW
Last year Chris made a cute picnic and we ate outside This year with me being laid up from surgery still and our messed up schedule i hung out with baby all day until he woke up and then we went to my parents for a bbq and then called and talked to chris mom on the phone (who lives in Missouri)
Wish that we could see his mom.. We miss her so much and wish she didn't live so far away. She is an amazing woman and I get along so well with her which is so nice! Wish we could actually get to see her one of these days on mothers day!
I was trying to get her sippy out of the way but that turned out to be a pretty cute picture of me and her (above)
Thank you mother, for all that you have done for me in my life. She doesn't read this but i'm throwing it out there anyway. She has taught me SO many valuable life lessons that helped me accomplish where I am in my life right now. Working hard, managing money right (which helped me be able to by a house by myself at age 19) not buying things you don't need. comes in handy when you want but can't have lol.
Had to snap one with my daddy
Me and nanna!
hahahahaha i love this
Nanna and her mom
Me and my mom!!
I could make this all cheesy but don't have time, I have homework to do :) I love my mom so much and thank her for putting up with me and teaching me life lessons.. I know Chris loves his mom more than anything in this world!
Happy Mothers day to everyone!