My baby and I

My baby and I

Monday, October 13, 2014


 I am finally start to actually get out and enjoy life and start doing things! I planned a one night camping trip. Before, I would have been like NO WAY, I am not packing ALL that stuff for one night. But, screw it, why not???
I figured all the popular places would be the full ones, and maybe the local ones would be fine. I didn't go check it out, we just took a gamble, and drove up to a spot that me and chris used to go to. and there were a few spots available!
Well, didn't even think about it. We were roughing it right? so no toilets. My sister and I can pop a squat.. but my mom... not so much. So I ran to walmart real quick and found a portable toilet.. TOTALLY worth the money. it was like $30..but it made it so my mom could sit down. It will come in handy in emergencies too.
We got up there at like 4pm on sunday.. and was gone by 12 on Monday ha less than 24 hours.. but it was nice to get away for a night, it  really was. and what a beautiful morning
We though the toilet was pretty funny.
Mom posing by a branch, she tried to sit on it.. but couldn't quite make it!
We had hobo dinner for dinner sunday night, and cereal Monday. and just  talked and enjoyed each others company. It was worth it, and I want to do more stuff like it!

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