My baby and I

My baby and I

Friday, March 16, 2012


So my work sends me to a 3 day training (UACOA conference) every year. This year was in Moab! I decided to take Samarah and both my parents went with me to watch her. She is such a good baby... not in Moab! my poor parents! she cried, no, screamed in the room and the only way she was happy is if she was walking around in her stroller in the hallways or outside. It shocked me because she is normally good for anyone who has to watch her and is content to lay on a blanket and play with toys etc. When I walked in for the lunch break the first day and both my parents sighed in relief, i knew she must have been hard.

All throughout conference people would come in and say, oh yeah just saw your mom pushing your baby down the hall, or i just passed your dad pushing your baby outside. She wouldn't hardly eat for them. I felt so bad! When I was in the room she did fine but going to bed the first 2 nights was rough. She just didn't like the hotel room I think! BUT she did amazing on the drive down and the drive home.

A bunch of Animal Control Officers and some spouses that came down went to a Tunnel on one of the days we got out of class early. My mom and me and Samarah went, its called Tusher Tunnel. Here are some pics!
                                                       My mom, me and Samarah

The entrance

Looking out the other end. BEAUTIFUL

Samarah getting a bath in the sink!

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